DLF 100-100-750 Electronic DC Load

Product Details

  • Manufacturer:

  • Model: DLF100-100-750

  • Description:

    100 V, 750W Electronic DC Load

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The TDI Transistor Devices Inc. DLF 100-100-750 is capable of drawing up to 100 amps of current, having 100 Vdc applied across its’ input terminals for a maximum combined power of 750 watts. This is a very nice little easy to use electronic DC load that does not take up to much bench space, is light in weight and easily transported for quick setup. It has settings for current, amps per volt, and pulsed current. The pulsed current can be adjusted by frequency as well as duty cycle. It can also be used in a shorted mode for supplies providing less than 100 amps and less than 750 watts of power of course.

100 V Load Voltage
100 A Load Current
750 W Average Power Dissipation
Self-Protection: Overvoltage Less Than 120 V
Overcurrent Less Than 120 A
Over-power Less Than 800 W

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