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Specialized GSM/3G Version of the Aaronia Spectrum Analyzer Spectran HF-60100 V4 with direct provider display on the screen of the Spectran.
Technical details Spectrum Analyzer Spectran HF-60100 V4
14Bit Dual-ADC DDC Hardware-Filter 150 MIPS DSP (CPU) Frequency range: 1MHz to 9,4GHz Max measurement range: -155dBm (1Hz) Max measurement range with PreAmps: -170dBm (1Hz) AbsMax Level: +20dBm AbsMax Level: +40dBm (Option) Lowest possible Filter: 200Hz (only with TCXO) Lowest possible SampleTime: 1mS Typ. accuracy: +/- 1dBOption 900 (9kHz Frequency Extension)
Option 001 (memory expansion)
Option 002 (0,5ppm TCXO TIMEBASE)
Option 020 (15dB preamplifier)
Option 205 (10GHz Realtime Peak POWER-METER)
Option 015 (Audio Signal Tracker)
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