Aaronia Spectran HF-6080 V4

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Aaronia

  • Model: HF-6080

  • Description:

    Handheld Spectrum Analyzer HF-6080 V4 with extended frequency range up to 8GHz, better directional antenna and much higher sensitivity down to -160dBm(Hz).

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Our 8GHz Handheld Spectrum Analyzer at an incredible price.
Heavily extended frequency range of up to 8GHz. Extreme sensitivity.

Technical details Portable Spectrum Analyzer Spectran HF-6080 V4

14Bit Dual-ADC DDC Hardware-Filter 150 MIPS DSP (CPU) Frequency range: 10MHz to 8GHz Max measurement range: -145dBm (1Hz) Max measurement range PreAmp: -160dBm (1Hz) AbsMax Level: +10dBm Lowest possible Filter: 1kHz Lowest possible SampleTime: 10mS Typ. accuracy: +/- 2dB Up to 100x faster SampleTime as Rev.3 Up to 70dB higher sensitivity as Rev.3

Option 001 (Memory expansion)
Option 020 (15dB Super low-noise Preamplifier)
Option 204 (Realtime Peak POWER-METER)
Option 015 (Audio Signal Tracker)
6in1 GPS Logger including 3D Gyro / 3D Tilt / Compass / Height sensor & Accelerometer

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