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The LIN Tester is the “Complete Test in a Single Tool” solutions for Local interconnect Networks. The efficient analysis and emulation capabilities in real time on the compact hardware, in durable housing, make the LIN Tester the foremost LIN test tool. The complete analysis of protocol data, the precise analysis of the protocol timing parameter with a resolution of 10 s and flexible triggering make the analysis and error tracing in Local interconnect networks fast and effective. The real time emulation implemented on the LIN Tester hardware permits precise communication timing, the flexible programming of protocol timing errors and the dynamic changes between operational mode and timing schedules. The emulation can be configured alternatively for LIN slaves, the LIN master or the complete LIN network. An efficient programming interface permits the development of scripts, which facilitate the automation of test sequences and ease complex analysis tasks. With the LIN Go function a graphical control panel can quickly be developed and is easy for control and visualization of test runs.With the diagnostic protocol functionality, the diagnostic transport layer implementation can be validated and used to collect diagnostic information from the network. Through the use of a LIN Tester, the development of robust Local interconnect networks becomes possible with only one tool. Related Links: Strategic Partnership with Mentor Graphics
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