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The Model LR:8028 Component Test Fixture provides a convenient way to connect the instrumentation in your ACS Basic Edition test configuration to standard packaged semiconductor devices. It’s designed for use with source-measure units (SMUs) capable of delivering up to 200V and 1A. In addition to the Series 2600A System SourceMeter instruments and the Model 4200-SCS, this fixture can be used with a variety of other instruments, including voltage and current sources, DMMs, LCR meters, oscilloscopes, analyzers, C-V meters, and electrometers. The Model LR:8028 uses standard triax cables to connect directly to SMUs with triax connectors (Models 2635A and 2636A System SourceMeter instruments or the Model 4200-SCS), and the Model 2600-FIX-TRX cable adapter to connect to Models 2601A, 2602A, 2611A, or 2612A. Together, the cables, adapter, and fixture make connections easy by ensuring SMU Lo terminals are all connected together at the fixture.
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