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Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight
Model: N1955B
The Keysight N1955B physical layer test set provides the highest accuracy and most comprehensive approach for characterizing single-ended or differential physical layer components.
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The Keysight N1955B physical layer test system provides the highest accuracy and most comprehensive approach for characterizing single-ended or differential physical layer components such as high-speed backplanes, cables, connectors, packages, and controlled impedance traces on circuit boards.The N1955B physical layer test system includes: E8363B PNA series vector network analyzer with Option 014 N4420B 40 GHz S-Parameter test set N1930A physical layer test system softwareNote: Each component of physical layer test systems is available separately if you already own a compatible vector network analyzer and would like to build a system. Please refer to the product overview for details.
Powerful analysis tools include time-domain reflectometry (TDR), time-domain transmission (TDT), frequency-domain, and eye diagramsComplete characterization of single-ended, differential, common-mode, and mode-conversion of your deviceE8363B PNA series vector network analyzer with Option 014 N4420B 40 GHz S-Parameter test set N1930A physical layer test system software
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