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Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight
Model: N2840A
The Keysight N2840A low-cost passive probe provides a 10:1 attenuation and features a high input resistance of 10 M. The probe can be adjusted for low-frequency compensation and high-frequency compensation.
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The Keysight N2840A low-cost passive probe provides a 10:1 attenuation and features a high input resistance of 10 M&Omega . The probe can be adjusted for low-frequency compensation and high-frequency compensation.
For the best measurements you should compensate your probe to match its characteristics to the oscilloscope.
Bandwidth DC to 50 MHz
Cable length 1.2 m
Rise time 7 ns
Attenuation ratio 10:1
Input resistance 10 M&Omega (when terminated into 1 M&Omega )
Maximum input 300 V RMS (or >400Vpk) CAT I and CAT II
Compatible with Keysight InfiniiVision and Infiniium Series oscilloscopes with 1 M&Omega input
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