Hp/Agilent/Keysight N4952A Error Detector Remote Head 32 and 17 Gb/s

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight

  • Model: N4952A

  • Description:

    The N4952A is an affordable and compact error detector remote head available in 4 to 17 Gb/s and 5 to 32 Gb/s configurations that is compatible with the N4960A Serial BERT controller.

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The N4952A is an affordable and compact error detector remote head available in 4 to 17 Gb/s and 5 to 32 Gb/s configurations. Compatible with the N4960A Serial BERT controller, it is the perfect solution to test up to 32 Gb/s per channel for 100 Gigabit Ethernet applications and other high-data rate devices. The N4952A error detector supports PRBS or user patterns and operates up to 32 Gb/s in a single band with no gaps or missing data rates. The remote head allows the test equipment to be located very close to the device under test, eliminating the need for long cables that degrade signal quality.


25 Gb/s and 28 Gb/s for 100 Gigabit Ethernet (100GBase)

InfiniBand EDR and FDR

High-speed SerDes testing

16G and 32G Fibre Channel (16GFC)


Backplanes CEI


Available for 4 to 17 Gb/s or 5 to 32 Gb/s configurations

Full data rate error detection

PRBS and user definable pattern, common telecom/datacom test patterns

Remote head allows placement of signal very close to DUT


N4960A Serial BERT 32 and 17 Gb/s

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