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The Keysight Technologies N4971A pattern generator 13 Gb/s (PPG12500) is a single channel generator capable of producing any serial data pattern up to 24 Mbits in length. An internal non-volatile pattern library comes preloaded with PRBS along with several common telecom test patterns. It can also store multiple user generated patterns. Output parameters of the data and clock outputs can be independently programmed, presets for common logic families simplify user set up. All outputs can supply differential or single ended signals. Adding the N4972A clock source provides a calibrated stress (jitter) to the data and clock outputs, ideal for stressed receiver testing.
10 Gb/s Ethernet
Fibre Channel, InfiniBand
Stressed Receiver Testing
Operation from 1 to 13 Gb/s
Pair with the N4972A for a high performance stressed data pattern generator
Store user generated patterns up to 24 Mb
Library of PRBS and several common telecom test patterns
Fully programmable data and clock output parameters
Transparent jitter pass-through
Single port remote control of all parameters through USB or GPIB
Fully supported in N4980A software
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