Hp/Agilent/Keysight N6030A Arbitrary Waveform Generator, 15-Bit, 1.25 GS/s

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight

  • Model: N6030A

  • Description:

    Keysight’s N6030A arbitrary waveform generator delivers unprecedented performance for creation of complex wideband waveforms

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This product is not recommended for new design. Recommended alternative is the M9330A Arbitrary Waveform Generator, 15 bit, 1.25GS/s

Keysight’s N6030A arbitrary waveform generator delivers unprecedented performance for creation of complex wideband waveforms. High sampling rate and high bit resolution provided in a single instrument enable designers to create ideal waveforms for accurate test of radar, satellite and frequency agile systems. Each channel of the N6030A provides 500 MHz of modulation bandwidths and over 65 dBc of spurious free dynamic range. When the N6030A is combined with a wideband I/Q upconverter, modulation bandwidth of 1 GHz can be realized at microwave frequencies for authentic signal simulations for IF and RF subsystem test.

Typical applications using these products include RADAR, EW T&M, UWB T&M, aerospace defense T&M and commercial T&M applications.

What’s new?

Option 350, Funct ion Generator: With an easy-to-use, userfriendly graphical interface, option 350 makes it extremely easy to generate sine waves, square waves, ramps, and many other waveforms as well as AM, FM, FSK and other modulations. Thanks to the 15-bit resolution and the excellent signal quality of the N6030A and the N8241A, this new option provides the most accurate and stable waveforms down to 1 Hz resolution. Get more information on option 350.


Option 300, dynamic sequencing, is a hardware interface which allows the user to dynamically point to pre-defined carrier signals created with the direct digital synthesis engine.

Option 330, direct digital synthesis, provides efficient compression of narrowband modulation on a carrier.

Dual output channels drive differential and single-ended designs

Multi-emitter and Multi-path simulations possible via synchronization of multiple modules

Complex waveforms can be created via advanced sequencing engine

Leverage of existing software: Use code from MATLAB?, and other programs for ease of integration

1.25 GS/s sample clock

15 bits of vertical resolution

Dual channel operation

Differential and single-ended outputs

Up to 16 MS waveform memory (Option 016)

Multiple module synchronization

Up to 125 k definable waveform segments

Up to 16 k unique definable sequences

Complete instrument control from MATLAB?

Compatible with CompactPCI and PXI mainframes

Create complex scenarios using our latest technologies in signal generation

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