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Manufacturer: Lineeye
Model: LE8200A
Description: The LE-8200A is the top-level model of battery-powered portable data communications analyzers. The LE-8200A has an enlarged display in response to an increasing demand without degrading the excellent portability of the LE Series.
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The LE-8200A is the top-level model of battery-powered portable data communications analyzers. The LE-8200A has an enlarged display in response to an increasing demand without degrading the excellent portability of the LE Series. It is ideal for development tests of communications systems and industrial equipment, as well as for after-sale services and communication trouble analysis. LE-series have been used in the industries of railways, aviation, and a variety of manufactures for few decades where reliability is very important. With optional kits, it can be used for developing network, in-vehicle, PC peripheral, embedded devices. Unlike the software based analyzers, it cannot be affected by the capacity of PC and can be used in the place where PC is not allowed.
Records data in the USB drive 5.7-inch TFT color display Supports TTL, I2C, SPI, IrDA, CAN, LIN, FlexRay, LAN and USB Mega Speed Mesurement Supports Logic Analyzer Analysis and Analog Waveform Analysis Outputs edited digital waveform.
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