LeCroy PeRT3 Phoenix Test System SAT-R006-004-A PeRT

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: LeCroy

  • Model: SAT-R006-004-A

  • Description:

    The PeRT3 Phoenix fills the space between physical layer test and protocol test, providing a new and more intelligent capability for performance testing of receivers and transmitters. Designed to meet the test needs of engineers working with serial data transceivers and other high-speed serial data communication systems, the Teledyne LeCroy PeRT3 Test System is not just a new instrument, it is an entirely new instrument class.

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The PeRT3 Phoenix fills the space between physical layer test and protocol test, providing a new and more intelligent capability for performance testing of receivers and transmitters. Designed to meet the test needs of engineers working with serial data transceivers and other high-speed serial data communication systems, the Teledyne LeCroy PeRT3 Test System is not just a new instrument, it is an entirely new instrument class.

A New Approach for New Problems
In many new generations of high speed serial I/O standards, the protocol layer optimizes physical layer properties, such as optimizing equalization settings for accurate signal transmission to the receiver through long and noisy transmission mediums. This requires a PeRT3 – a new class of instrumentation that can perform standard receiver tests and also communicate to the transmitter in protocol language. The PeRT3 therefore ensures proper operation of integrated transmitter and receiver systems, optimizes test time, and minimizes equipment and setup complexity.

What is protocol awareness
Protocol awareness combined with a BERT system allows the instrument to test the electrical characteristics of the device under test while communicating with the DUT in the protocol to enable different test modes as well as equalization training.

What is a PeRT3
PeRT3 combines all the physical layer capabilities of the stress BERT system with protocol handshake and training capabilities

Key Features
Bit Error Rate tester with protocol aware capabilities
Comprehensive jitter generation capability for receiver jitter and noise tolerance testing
Built in 3 tap de-emphasis generator
Protocol aware generator and receiver and state machines
User defined test scripting functions for jitter tolerance, equalization optimization search, and multi-parameter sweep testing
User Customizable State Machines for protocol handshake and link training

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