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Manufacturer: Anritsu
Model: 56100A
The 56100A Scalar Network Analyzer measures insertion loss, insertion gain, or RF power with 76 dB dynamic range. Measure device match as return loss in dB or as SWR. Separate detectors can be used on all four inputs for multiple transmission measur
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The 56100A Scalar Network Analyzer measures insertion loss, insertion gain, or RF power with 76 dB dynamic range. Measure device match as return loss in dB or as SWR. Separate detectors can be used on all four inputs for multiple transmission measurements on duplexers or matched amplifiers.
Transmission and reflection measurements can be viewed simultaneously. Both traces can be scaled independently in dB, dBm, or SWR. Measurement of the ratio of two detector inputs may be applied to either channel for enhancing accuracy or for viewing differences. Built in calibration allows subtraction of the unwanted transmission frequency response or the average of open/short reflections from either trace. A Volt Mode is available for displaying voltage (with volt mode adapter cable). A 0 to 10 volt sweep ramp output mode is also available.
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