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Manufacturer: Anritsu
Model: S332D
Site Master Handheld Cable and Antenna Analyzer Model S332D includes all the features of our popular S331D – PLUS spectrum analysis for extra versatility in a single instrument. The standard cable & antenna analyzer spans from 25 MHz to 4 GHz. Option 2 and Option 16 extend the lower and upper frequency ranges of the cable & antenna analyzer to 2 MHz and 6 GHz respectively. Accurate, versatile, affordable, rugged and a true handheld at under 5 pounds (including battery), Site Master is ideally suited for field technicians involved with installing, provisioning, maintaining, and troubleshooting wireless base station cable and antenna systems for such applications VHF, broadcasting, paging, cellular, PCS/GSM, 3G, ISM, WLAN and WLL.
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The S332D cable and antenna analyzer features spectrum analysis capability and optional power meter capability in addition to Return Loss/ SWR (also known as VSWR, for Voltage Standing Wave Ratio) and Cable Loss measurements, as well as Distance to Fault (DTF) analysis using Frequency Domain Reflectometry (FDR). These capabilities give field engineers and technicians the ability to easily identify and solve RF system problems such as coverage, interference, and other path related signal problems. S332D spectrum analysis ranges from 100 kHz to 3 GHz with smart button measurements – Field Strength, Occupied Bandwidth (OBW), Channel Power, Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (ACPR), Interference Analysis and Carrier-to-Interference ratio (C/I).
This product has been discontinued.Replacement Model(s) : S332E
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