ROHDE & SCHWARZ SMC100A R&S Signal Generator

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: ROHDE & SCHWARZ

  • Model: SMC100A

  • Description:

    SMC100A Signal Generator – The analog signal generator is suited for use in service and maintenance, field applications or training and education environments.

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The analog R&S SMC100A sets standards for attractively-priced signal generators. It has the smallest size and the best price/performance ratio in its class. The flexible and versatile instrument is suited for use in service and maintenance labs. Due to its small dimensions and lightweight design, the R&S SMC100A is also the perfect choice for field applications or training and education environments.

Frequency range 9 kHz to 1.1 GHz or 3.2 GHz
Maximum output level of typ. > +17 dBm
Optional high-stability reference oscillator
Analog modulation modes (AM/FM/?M/pulse) integrated as standard
Integrated overvoltage protection
Wear-free electronic attenuator
Minimized total cost of ownership

R&S SMC100A : Signal Generator
R&S SMC-B101 : 9 kHz to 1.1 GHz
R&S SMC-B103 : 9 kHz to 3.2 GHz
R&S SMC-B1 : OCXO Reference Oscillator
R&S SMC-K4 : GPIB/IEEE 488 Interface
R&S ZZA-T35 : 19" Rack Adapter
R&S ZZA-T36 : 19" Rack Adapter
R&S NRP-Z91 : Average Power Sensor
R&S NRP-Z92 : Average Power Sensor

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