Anritsu Spectrum Analyzer/Signal Analyzer MS2830A

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Anritsu

  • Model: MS2830A

  • Description:

    The MS2830A Signal Analyzer includes a low-cost spectrum analyzer function supporting high dynamic range. With built-in vector signal generator and modulation analysis, it supports modulation analysis for LTE FDD, LTE TDD, Mobile WiMAX, etc.

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The MS2830A-044/045 Signal Analyzer includes a spectrum analyzer function for measuring up to 110 GHz using an external mixer based on the 26.5 GHz/43 GHz upper frequency limit. It supports measurements of Tx characteristics, including adjacent channel leakage power, spectrum mask, and frequency counter, as well as spurious measurements requiring a wide dynamic range.

Installing the 10/31.25/62.5/125 MHz analysis bandwidth option adds signal analyzer functions for checking phenomena that are hard to check using a spectrum analyzer, such as frequency vs. time, phase vs. time, spectrogram, and CCDF. In addition, optional measurement software supports modulation analysis. Moreover, installing a preselector bypass option enables use of the signal analyzer and modulation analysis functions up to 26.5 GHz/43 GHz. Finally, it can be customized to support a range of application-specific measurements. 
Installing a microwave-band preamp supports measurement of weaker signals.
Using the 1st local signal output as an external mixer supports measurement of high-frequency signals up to 325 GHz.
Using the 1st IF signal output as a down converter supports analysis in combination with external equipment.

  • 9 kHz to 26.5/43 GHz frequency range; 43 GHz max. built-in pre-amp option
  • Best-of-class wide dynamic range over 6 GHz
  • 110 GHz max. frequency range; built-in 1st local signal output for external mixer
  • For wideband down-converter; built-in 1 GHz IF output band
  • 10/31.25/62.5/125 MHz analysis bandwidth options (signal analyzer and modulation analysis functions)
  • Supports Noise Figure and BER measurement (options)
  • Excellent eco-friendly product with low power consumption of 190 VA min.

MS2830A  Main frame
 MS2830A-044  26.5 GHz Signal Analyzer
 MS2830A-045  43 GHz Signal Analyzer
 MS2830A-001  Rubidium Reference Oscillator
 MS2830A-005  Analysis Bandwidth Extension to 31.25 MHz
 MS2830A-006  Analysis Bandwidth 10 MHz
 MS2830A-009  Bandwidth Extension to 31.25 MHz for Millimeter-wave
 (for MS2830A-045)
 MS2830A-077  Analysis Bandwidth Extension to 62.5 MHz
 MS2830A-078  Analysis Bandwidth Extension to 125 MHz
 MS2830A-008  Preamplifier
 MS2830A-010  Phase Noise Measurement Function
 MS2830A-011  2ndary HDD
 MS2830A-016  Precompliance EMI Function
 MS2830A-017  Noise Figure Measurement Function
 MS2830A-026  BER Measurement Function
 MS2830A-067  Microwave Preselector Bypass
 MS2830A-068  Microwave Preamplifier

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