Hp/Agilent/Keysight T3121S NFC R/D Test System

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight

  • Model: T3121S

  • Description:

    The T3121S RIDER RFID HF R&/D Test System is the Keysight platform for NFC and RFID HF R&D testing of contactless devices. Similar to other products in Keysight RIDER product family, it is a one box test system based on the T1141A RFID HF Test Set.

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The T3121S RIDER RFID HF/NFC R/D Test System is the Keysight platform for NFC and RFID HF R&D testing of contactless devices. T3121S belongs to Keysight RIDER product family and, as the T3111S RIDER RFID HF/NFC conformance test system, is based on the T1141A RFID HF/NFC Test Set.

With T3121S RIDER RFID HF/NFC R/D Test System, end user can execute RF measurements and/or Protocol analysis of contactless devices operating in the HF band. Also users can develop their own test applications programmed in VEE, LabView, Visual C/C++, LabWindows/CVI or Visual Basic.

Supports R&D testing of NFC devices, smart cards, e-Passports, RFID readers and tags operating in the HF band

RF testing and protocol analysis supported in the same R&D test tool using the same user interface

No extra hardware is needed for generating, capturing and measuring signals

RFID and NFC devices emulation capability

Instrument drivers provided to allow users to develop their own test cases and test applications

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