Accumac AM1968 Capsule SPRT

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Accumac

  • Model: AM1968

  • Description:

    Capsule SPRT, temperature range: -260 C to 100 C

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AM1968 Platinum Capsule SPRT covers temperatures from -260C to 100 C. The capsule construction makes this SPRT a preferred primary standard for cryogenic applications and other applications where space is limited or stem conduction is a concern for a long stem SPRT.

The sensing element is made of pure platinum wires with a temperature coefficient of 0.003925?/?/C. The coiled platinum wires are mounted in a way that is strain free and enclosed in a platinum capsule, which is sealed by glass. The special sealing glass has a thermal expansion coefficient that matches with that of the platinum wire to ensure the capsule SPRT is sealed permanently in the entire temperature range. A uniquely designed support structure provides excellent performances of stability, mechanical shock, and thermal cycle performance. The SPRT achieves a high level of stability and repeatability in performance and fully meets ITS-90 criteria for reference thermometers.

·    Temperature range: -260 °C to 100 °C
·    Long term drift: <0.003°C at TPW after 1 year, <0.001°C typical
·    Short term stability: 0.001°C at 0.01°C
·    Temperature Coefficient 0.003925 Ω/Ω/°C
·    W(Ga)>=1.11807
·    W(Hg)<=0.844235
·    Platinum sheath

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