Anritsu Visual Fault Locator VFL650

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Anritsu

  • Model: VFL650

  • Description:

    Now you can easily isolate high losses and faults in optical fiber cable with the VFL-650 Visual Fault Locator. This handheld, visible laser source emits a bright beam of red light into a fiber, allowing you to see a break.

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Now you can easily isolate high losses and faults in optical fiber cable with the VFL-650 Visual Fault Locator. This handheld, visible laser source emits a bright beam of red light into a fiber, allowing you to see a break as a glowing or blinking red light. Two versions are available: one with a universal port for 2.5mm ferrule connectors (FC, SC, ST, E2000, DIN), and one which includes an adapter that allows use with 1.25mm ferrule connectors as well (LC, MU).
Optical SpecificationsSpecificationValueEmitter Type

Visible (red) light with CW and pulsed modes of operation
Lightweight (<60g)
40 hours continuous operation
Cost-effective solution

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