Anritsu VNA Master MS2028B

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Anritsu

  • Model: MS2028B

  • Description:

    The Anritsu VNA Master MS2028B is the industry’s broadest frequency, highest performance, handheld solution for 2-port measurements, anytime, anywhere.

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The VNA Master MS2028B specifically addresses complex cable and antenna measurement needs in the field with accurate, vector corrected 2-port magnitude, phase, and Distance-To-Fault measurements. MS2028B covers an unsurpassed frequency band from 5 kHz to 20 GHz, which contains a wide variety of radio frequency communications systems, and also many radars and microwave communication systems, both coax and waveguide. Equally impressive, this measurement tool offers the industry’s first 12-term error correction algorithm in a handheld VNA. With a typical measurement speed of 750 sec per point, this is ideally suited for tuning applications in the field. Using a 3-receiver architecture, the MS2028B can measure all 4 S-parameters at once with a single connection to the DUT.

This product has been discontinued.Replacement Model(s) : MS2028C

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