No Current Sellers for Hp/Agilent/Keysight W85104A
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Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight
Model: W85104A
The W85104A 75 to 110 GHz test set module contains all the necessary waveguide hardware (frequency multiplier, isolators, directional couplers, and harmonic mixers) integrated into one box.
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The Keysight W85104A 75 to 110 GHz test set module contains all of the necessary waveguide hardware (frequency multiplier, isolators, directional couplers, and harmonic mixers) compactly integrated into one box. Any pair of the test set modules can be connected to the Keysight 85105A millimeter-wave controller for S-parameter millimeter-wave measurement capability. These modules are easy to maneuver and make the system extremely simple to set up.
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