Aaronia RF test-signal-transmitter OFG-30100E

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Aaronia

  • Model: OFG-30100E

  • Description:

    Higher output power and wider frequency range compared to the OFG 5070. Omni-directional Field Strength Generator. Frequency range 30MHz to 1GHz.

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Portable and omnidirectional RF field strength generator / test signal transmitter OFG30100E with high output power

The perfect test station or test transmitter for EMC measurements or the assessment of screening effects (eg shielded rooms or Screen chambers).


The portable, battery-operated field strength generator can be used with simple or complex batch programs that start automatically after power (eg CW signal, sweep, pulse, frequency hopping, etc.). Also, the level can be varied; programmable. A direct control (eg at the laboratory bench) is possible via USB. An appropriate, easy to use software for Mac, Linux and Windows, is included.


Please note the applicable legislation to use and own this field generator!
We are not liable for any damages, directly or indirectly, resulting from the use of the field generator.

The operation or possession of this generator can, depending on the country, be prohibited!

Make absolutely sure that the test transmitter not interfers with regular RF operations (also note harmonics!) and use it in well shielded EMC chambers / laboratories only!

The improper use of the test transmitter as misery is strictly prohibited!
With the purchase of this equipment you automatically accept these conditions.

Omnidirectional RF test signal Generator OFG30100E (30MHz – 1GHz)

Frequency range: 30 MHz to 1GHz Combination of Signal Generator and biconical Antenna Up to 3V/m output power (0,5m distance) Combination of biconical antenna and signal generator Perfect for RF immunity measurements Perfect for RF attenuation measurements Highest power level: +18dBm Smallest power level: -45dBm Up to 63dB dynamic range Frequency accuracy: 1Hz (<600MHz), 20Hz (>600MHz) Modulations: AM, FM, PM Onboard TCXO for very high frequency accuracy Can be connected to external reference clock for even higher accuracy (female SMA-connector) Onboard CPU and memory for intelligent self-running profiles Stand alone operation (no PC or USB connection required) Battery operation up to 4h USB connector for realtime PC control or for storing programs Incl. 12V power supply for continuous operation Can be operated from 12V Car and Truck power system Dimensions: 540×225×225mm Small Weight, 1300grams incl. battery

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