Hp/Agilent/Keysight E4421A Analog RF Signal Generator, 250 kHz to 3000 MHz

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Hp/Agilent/Keysight

  • Model: E4421A

  • Description:

    The E4421A is no longer available, the replacement product is N5171B EXG X-Series RF analog signal generator.

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The E4421A analog RF signal generator offers excellent in-channel performance with superior quality and reliability — at an affordable price. The first in a new generation of signal generators, it provides excellent frequency and level control, and wide modulation capabilities. It is ideally suited to meet the demanding requirements of today’s receiver test, component test and local oscillator applications. The innovative design of the E4421A provides a flexible architecture that can be tailored to meet the changing demands of evolving markets. Lower initial cost, high reliability and a two-year calibration cycle, all strive to minimize the cost of ownership. The E4421A RF signal generator is designed for long-term dependability, which maximizes production throughput and uptime.

250 kHz up to 3 GHz

Flexible architecture, upgrade paths for options, and digital

Electronic attenuator for reliability and repeatability

Superior level accuracy

Wideband FM and Phase Modulation

Step sweep (frequency, power and list)

Built-in function generator

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