Tektronix TBS1052B (TBS1000B Series) Digital Oscilloscope

Product Details

  • Manufacturer: Tektronix

  • Model: TBS1052B

  • Description:

    Tektronix 50 MHz  bandwidth, 2 channel oscilloscope.

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The TBS1000B Series is the only 2-channel oscilloscope in its class that is designed for extensive monitoring and analysis activities. Versatile features like 34 automated measurements, up to 200 MHz bandwidth, limit testing, data logging, dual channel frequency counters, waveform trending and up to 2 GS/s sample rate puts the TBS1000B in a class all its own.



Unique TrendPlotfeature Capture and monitor small changes in measurements over long time periods.
Enhanced limit-test feature Users can define pass/fail masks for complex signals based on specifying up to two independent waveform envelopes.
Built-in analysis tools Simplify analysis of your device with 34 automated measurements, FFT analysis, waveform math, cursors and dual frequency counters.
7-inch WVGA display 800X480 resolution with wide viewing angle, supports backlight intensity adjustments.
Digital real-time sampling Accurately capture signals with at least 10X over-sampling on all channels, all the time with Tektronix proprietary sampling technology.
Dual-channel frequency counter The only entry level scope with a dual-channel, HW-based frequency counter, showing measurements on both channels simultaneously on a large character display.
5-year warranty Reduce your total cost of ownership with the standard 5-year warranty.

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