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Our entrance level model for the professional user up to 6GHz.
Vastly enhanced feature set with significantly faster SpTime, more dynamic range, better IP3, reduced phase noise and greater demodulation bandwidth.
Our highly sensitive affordable solution for analysis of various EMC problems.
Included in delivery:
HF-6060 V4 X, OmniLOG 90200 antenna, aluminum carrycase, international power supply, USB-Cable, PC analyzer software and english manual.
Technical details Spectrum Analyzer Spectran HF-6060 V4 X
100% controlled by USB only (no display) 100% powered by the external power supply only (no battery) Included OmniLOG antenna 50 Ohms SMA input Internal speaker (which can be switched off) Audio out for the use of PC based FFT analyzer software Very thick (3mm) aluminium housing offering very good screening. 14Bit Dual-ADC DDC Hardware-Filter 150 MIPS DSP (CPU) Frequency range: 10MHz to 6GHz Max measurement range: -135dBm (1Hz) Max measurement range PreAmp: -150dBm (1Hz) Lowest possible SampleTime: 1mS Typ. accuracy: +/- 2 dBOption 020 (15dB preamplifier)
Option 203 (Realtime Peak POWER-METER)
Option 015 (Audio Signal Tracker)
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